Employee Referrals and Other Top Sourcing Channels

There are various sourcing channels that offer value in the recruitment process. Read our take on the top sourcing channels.


The Importance of Recruitment Data 

Recruitment data is a powerful tool when used properly. We’ll discuss the importance of recruitment data and share a few measures to get you started.


Top 10 Features of ATS Recruitment Software

An ATS platform is an excellent tool for recruiters and hiring managers with features designed to help refine hiring processes and improve how you recruit the best talent. Here are the top 10 features of an ATS.


Key Differences Between an ATS and HRIS

Many companies use both ATS and HRIS to cover the full spectrum of Recruitment and HR management, but what are they, and what are their differences?


How to Keep Filling Your Talent Pool and Why It's Important

It can be challenging to maintain and fill your talent pool. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to keep filling your talent pool and why it is important.


Transitioning from Spreadsheets to ATS - A Quick Guide

Many recruiters still use spreadsheets as a part of their hiring process, visit Eploy for our 5 steps on making the switch to an applicant tracking system.


What is The Difference Between an Active and a Passive Candidate?

Active and passive candidates both play a role in growing a business, but what is it that sets them apart from each other? Visit our blog to find out more.  


What Are Passive Candidates and How Can I Attract Them?

Passive candidates are a highly beneficial talent pool for businesses to tap into. Find out more about passive candidates and how to attract them at Eploy.


Top Tips for Improving Recruitment Productivity

Are you looking to improve recruitment productivity within your business? Read our blog on improving recruitment processes for productivity gains.


Internal Vs External Recruitment – Do you use both methods?

Internal and external hiring are both valid recruitment strategies, but is one better than the other for your business? Find out more about the benefits of each.


RecFest 23 Highlights from Eploy

RecFest 2023, the world’s largest TA Festival, had a great deal to live up to after a marvellous 2022 event - and it did not disappoint.


Root Cause Analysis for Recruitment & HR Teams

Root Cause Analysis for Recruitment & HR Teams. How to re-think, influence, or affect to shape the future of our organisations.

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