02 September, 2020

Josh Skinner, Customer Success Executive at Eploy shared with us how he has been working with a host of volunteers from Droitwich RFC  and Droitwich CVS to support the local community during the pandemic.

As a member of the rugby club, Josh and other members saw an opportunity to help their local community who were most vulnerable or shielding to get help to them in the form of food parcels when the pandemic hit.

Josh managed the operational side and outreaching to local businesses for donations and coordinating grant bids to support their efforts.

The achievements are quite something.  The volunteers delivered just short of 16,000 meals to those living alone, couples and families. A total of 972 meal parcels have been delivered that consisted of meal plans by day, with the guidance of a volunteer nutritionist.

“We are very proud of how Josh has stepped up with other volunteers to offer support and use his skills to get the vital support of the wider business community. It demonstrates his commitment to getting the best solution and putting plans into action” Chris Bogh, CTO - Eploy

The efforts have not gone unrecognised and The Lord-Lieutenant, the Queen’s personal representative of The Sovereign in Worcestershire has extended his thanks to the volunteers.

“The innovation, collaboration, courage and selflessness shown by so many across the County during the COVID-19 pandemic has been truly inspirational and uplifting. 

“As Her Majesty The Queen's representative, I would like to thank you for the wonderful contribution you have made to the County during these extraordinary and challenging times.” Lt Col Patrick Holcroft LVO OBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Worcestershire. 

The Lord-Lieutenant represents Her Majesty The Queen on a wide variety of occasions which merit Royal support and which celebrate significant achievement in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

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