Eploy's Head of Operations, Kim Tolley explains a practical guide for using data insights throughout your hiring process
Becca Guinchard from AssessFirst, an Eploy marketplace partner, discusses how to add sparkle to your candidate experience by assessing the entire talent pool.
Andrew Stevens from East Kent Colleges, explains how they keep recruitment practices in line with modern life with Eploy
Sarah Rogers, Talent Acquisition Manager at ForrestBrown shares how the team delivered on 'Amplifying the Candidate Experience'.
William James from Arbuthnot Latham explains how they implemented effective recruitment practices to maximise hiring success with Eploy
Sam Ford from Yeo Valley, talks you through their experience with Eploy, getting the right people and what good recruitment practice looks like
Isabel Mogliani and Claire Proudlove from one of our marketplace partners Serocor give us a 2022 IR35 update to help you engage with your contractors and comply with regulations
Choosing between a dedicated ‘best of breed’ recruitment platform (commonly known as an applicant tracking system or ATS) and an HR suite that has a ‘recruiting module’ can be a difficult task.
When talking with HR Management this checklist will help you identify the key areas that they are interested in as part of your E-recruitment strategy
The custodians of your Employer branding will play a key role in the external presentation and communication of your E-recruitment platform. It is important that whatever platform you base your strategy on is able to deliver the flexibility and analytics that recruitment marketing specialists require. This checklist will help you identify their needs.
With Eploy’s Video Interviewing toolkit, you can include both Video and Audio questions at any stage of your recruitment process
How do you attract candidates? In a candidate-driven recruitment market it’s important to get to the best candidates first. Find out the most successful- and least successful channels from our 2016 survey.
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