Understanding your recruitment business performance

If you’re planning on expanding your recruitment footprint you’ll need to know what you do well and what could do with a little bit of nurturing attention. Your strengths are your platform for growth and weaknesses are an opportunity to improve. You’ve probably got a gut feeling about what’s good and what could be better but if you’re about to take a business-defining step you’ll need to know for sure.
Recruiter performance reporting

Recruiter performance reporting

Summarise activity by recruiter and see who has been the most proactive on the phone or who spends the most time logged in to the system. Monitor success with identifying how many candidates each user has got to first interview stage or who has made the most placements.

Recruitment activity reporting

When managing a big team or multiple locations it’s easy to lose sight of what’s happening on the front line of your business. Standard Activity Reports let you measure the number of calls made, database records added, vacancies sourced and other key metrics over a specified time.  
Recruitment activity reporting
Financial reports

Financial reports

If you have a number of recruiters working for you, there’s a good chance you may not be fully au fait with all of their current projects. Financial reports give you full visibility over forecasted and actual revenue and help you plan when you need to tighten the purse strings and when you can look to splash the cash.

Marketing Analysis reports

Identify the channels that deliver your business the best results - the highest volume and the highest quality candidates, the quickest times to placement etc. Marketing analysis reports will tell you what works for your business so you can keep your time, and money, focused in the right areas.
Marketing Analysis reports


Create bespoke, easy to view statistics in charts, dials and real time figures which can all be customised to present the information you require in a clear single view.

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Eploy Dashboards & Analytics
Measure and Monitor Your Recruitment


[DATASHEET] Eploy Opportunity Management
Drag-and-drop sales pipelines

Watson Moore

As a Director, I can see exactly what is happening with my business at any time and report on it.

David Colgrave, Partner

Watson Moore

We believe recruitment is about relationships

That's why we've engineered Eploy Recruitment Software to ensure you have the tools to meet your recruiting objectives. So you can attract and engage with the best candidates and forge long-term partnerships with your clients.

Top features for recognising your strengths and weaknesses

  • Marketing Analysis report
  • Time to Hire report
  • Standard Activity report
  • User Activity report

What's your biggest recruitment challenge?

Eploy Recruitment Software is designed to help ambitious agencies recruit smarter and faster, find out how we help you meet your objectives...

We believe

Finding candidates who are the perfect fit for your vacancies while simultaneously developing new business opportunities is always challenging. Fortunately Eploy’s world-class recruitment software makes it much, much easier.

We’ve been helping ambitious recruitment agencies move to the cloud and recruit faster and smarter since 1998. Eploy is precision-engineered to work on every platform and add value to every stage of the recruitment journey.
