Tim Jubb |

Our very own Chris Bogh, Chief Technology Officer at Eploy, was a recent guest on the TechnologyAdvice Expert Interview Series. The series, which is hosted by TechnologyAdvice’s Josh Bland, explores a variety of business and technology landscapes through conversations with industry leaders.

Chris and Josh discussed measuring recruitment activity, and using software to manage recruitment compliance.

Below are the 3 biggest insights from the conversation.

1. Communication between stakeholders enhances the recruitment journey.

Communication between candidates, agencies, hiring managers and recruiters is critical for successful recruitment. One way to improve communication is by having ‘portals’ dedicated to each stakeholder group. For example, a Candidate Portal that enables job applications and communications. Also, an Agency Portal can help in-house recruiters work better with their vendors. Web-based portals offer the opportunity to simplify and enhance the recruitment journey for everyone.


2. There is a social media explosion taking place in recruitment.

There are more ways to engage with candidates than ever before, which means tracking channel success is more complex than ever before. Recruiters need to not only engage candidates on the most relevant platform, but also track in real time the performance of the channel. The continuing growth of social media on mobile devices adds a further level of complexity. Job postings and careers sites need to provide a stellar mobile experience.


3. Powerful Analytics Tools enable “Predictive" Metrics.

Historical metrics look at past trends. Real time metrics can show recruiters the here and now- a snapshot of their desk. Predictive analytics allows recruiters to predict future trends and help recruiters to close or reduce bottlenecks in the future. For example, a recruiter might look at their talent pool today and identify a shortage of developers, but know that they will need a surplus for an upcoming project in 6 months. Predictive analytics allow recruiters to identify future needs and begin recruiting now, to increase the skill set in the talent pool. So in 6 months time, a nurtured talent pool of skilled developers are ready to be contacted for the project.






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