19 September, 2011

Chris Bogh, Eploy's Technical Director was recently invited to attend a closed round-table forum with some of the UK's major retailers to discuss the issues faced by in-house recruiters.

He reports that one of the biggest debates at this forum centred on how to manage and control the use of temporary workers, either as an in-house function or in conjunction with agencies, in preparation for the Agency Workers Directive 2010 which comes into force later this year. Chris said; "This was an interesting discussion point and gave us the opportunity to demonstrate how eploy®'s solution is helping companies with the operational and business reporting aspects of managing temps in preparation for this new legislation."

"We also showed delegates how they could manage temporary recruitment in-house using the recent Arts Temps case study," added Chris. For Arts Temps, the in-house temp recruitment agency for University of the Arts London (UAL), eploy® developed a sophisticated Hiring Manager portal and online timesheet authorisation system to address the university's complex internal administration procedures. The management system is also programmed to automatically send email alerts to notify Hiring Manager's of outstanding timesheets and to generate custom Payroll and HR Financial monthly reports.

Importantly, the forum served to reaffirm eploy®'s decision to develop an all-encompassing 'one platform' web based recruitment solution. Chris says; "It was clear from this meeting that a standard (first generation) ATS is no longer good enough. Recruiters need flexible, and customisable software that can manage all the different technical, administration and communication aspects of in-house recruitment - all, without exception, said that it also has to be future-proof and perform as a business, HR, compliance and management reporting tool."eploy®'s single applicant tracking and recruitment software enables recruiters to have one core feature-rich system that can be used to manage all areas of recruitment and different workflows. From high volume seasonal / graduate or apprenticeship schemes, research based executive recruitment right through to temporary recruitment with its ever changing pitfalls around legislation and compliance."The system also enables users to really harness the latest recruitment technologies such as LinkedIn, social and business media, Google and Online CV Libraries," adds Chris. "Plus, it can easily integrate with online psychometric testing programmes, host health questionnaires, process employee referral bonus schemes and be used for succession planning."

Having chosen to develop a 100% web-based system since 1998, eploy® is now streets ahead of other systems and is completely browser / operating system independent, something that not many "web based" ATS's and Recruitment Systems can truly say. eploy®'s unique one size 'fits all' solution is now transforming the way recruiters work by giving in-house recruiters the tools that agencies have been using for years.

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